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Fine Art Prints on Canvas

The technology of ink-jet printing has improved so much over the years that high quality fine art prints on canvas or paper are now available at very reasonable prices.  Many artists, including me, have made reproductions of their work available in this medium.  It means more people can enjoy our art even if they can't afford an original.

Tenderness:  Fine Art Print on Canvas from Fine Art America


Of course there is only one original, and a print--no matter how good the quality--cannot match it.  Anyone who loves an artist's work and can afford it, should buy the original if available.  I used to offer both on my website, but now only sell originals.  For reproductions on canvas, paper and other materials, my art is available at FineArtAmerica.com or RedBubble.com

Red Run: Framed Fine Art Print on Paper at Fine Art America

The first step in making a high quality print is a quality high resolution image file of the original painting.  I use a large format graphic arts scanner from Epson, taking from four to sixteen scans of the original and stitching the files together in Photoshop. It takes patience and care, but produces a very high resolution, accurate image file.  For my largest paintings, I have a professional art photographer take the photograph in his studio. 

Because technology makes it so easy to reproduce an image on a variety of materials, these companies also offer art reproductions on items such as greeting cards, mugs, throw pillows, towels, iPhone cases, and more.  I have to admit I find it cool to have a shower curtain with my own art on it.  These reproductions make great gifts, as well.


Tall Drink Eight:  Fine Art Print on Metal at Fine Art America